GOP Rep. Thomas Massie Calls out Donald Trump Over Bullying Tacticts

Donald Trump has many concerns right now, with his legal issues taking a near-constant focus. Still, the former President still finds it necessary to punish those people who he believes have done him wrong, even if those people are Republicans. 

This week, Trump took time out of his busy schedule to attack a sitting GOP congressperson, Florida's Laurel Lee. Trump is angry that Lee had the gall to support Ron DeSantis for the Presidency. After seeing Trump's tweet, Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie responded. 

Trump posted on Twitter, "Any great MAGA Republicans looking to run against Laurel Lee in Florida’s 15th Congressional District? IF SO, PLEASE STEP FORWARD!"

Massie linked to the tweet, responding:

"This is unhelpful and unwarranted. @RepLaurelLee is a conservative thoughtful member of the judiciary committee. She endorsed DeSantis for President but then endorsed Trump when DeSantis got out of the race. More of my colleagues should call out these ridiculous bullying tactics."

The Kentucky lawmaker shows that Trump is losing some of his grip over the Republican party. At least some congresspeople are seeing that Trump is only interested in getting himself elected and will not help, but may hurt GOP hopefuls around the country. Bashing Trump is no longer a career ender in the Republican party.