Fox Reporter: Navalny's death send a 'mafia-style message' to the rest of the world

Alexey Navalny has long been one of Vladimir Putin's most fierce critics. For his fight, Navalny has been poisoned and imprisoned by the Russian President. 

On Friday, it was revealed that Navalny died in prison at the age of 47. While his cause of death was not and is not likely to be revealed, it is thought that there was foul play involved. 

Jennifer Griffin, the Chief National Security Correspondentf for Fox News was strong in her condemnation of the killing. She wrote on her Twitter account:

"No coincidence that Russia announces Putin’s nemesis Navalny has died in prison, an attempt to overshadow and send brutal mafia style message to the world’s top national security experts meeting in Munich to discuss how to confront Russia. A cruel power move that could backfire."

Griffin continued her message, "The news of Navalny’s death comes just as President Zelensky takes the stage and is speaking in Munich. A not so subtle message to Putin’s opponents. Putin attempts to overshadow Munich conference where NATO allies are meeting to discuss how to confront Russia."

Several members of Congress have also come out in condemnation of Putin and Russia. It is yet to be seen if this move could help to get a Ukraine funding bill passed.