Father Discovers Hidden Message While Trimming Overgrown Tree, Promptly Dials 911

A Hidden Secret

During the course of cutting down a tree, Joe unknowingly uncovered something that had been hidden under the bark.

“Find me in the house with the tree and swing. JS,” it said. The authorities needed it, but Joe didn't understand what it meant. There was something off about it.


His head twitched in confusion as Joe Adams stared into the distance. Why would a note like this end up under the bark of a tree? The most puzzling question is, who wrote it?

It had not been his intention to find anything like this, and now he wondered if he should take it to the police station. His world was about to be turned upside down before he knew it.

A Normal Saturday

For Joe, it started out like any other Saturday morning. He had stayed behind to handle the problem in their backyard while his wife, Amy, took their three children shopping at the mall.

His wife's favorite spot in their house was being blocked out by some of the branches of the giant Sycamore maple tree they had in their backyard.

Bigger Than What He Anticipated

In order to clear the branches, he had to cut some of them. He quickly realized that the problem was far more complex than he had anticipated when he met the big tree.

At some point in the future, the tree might collapse onto the house unless he cut it down.

Getting Ready

The roar of Joe's chainsaw filled the quiet suburban neighborhood as he fired it up. Sweat glistened on his forehead as he cut through the thick branches of the massive tree.

He knew his wife would be very grateful for the effort he put into it. After a long time, the task before him would reveal a big mystery to him.

The Message

A strange object wedged beneath the bark of the tree's first branch caught Joe's attention. In his effort to retrieve the crumpled piece of paper, he bent over and carefully pulled it out. 

A confused look crossed his face. The paper is stuck in this way. How did it get there? Unfolding it revealed a cryptic message that haunted him.

A Mystery

"Find me in the house with the tree and swing. JS." Those words taunted Joe's mind. Despite their incomprehensibility, they carried an eerie weight. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

Who was the author of the note? Did the letters JS stand for someone's initials? The questions Joe had were endless, and he had no answers to any of them. A strange mystery had just been uncovered by him.

Contacting The Authorities

As strange as the note was, Joe couldn't ignore it. In a hurry, he grabbed his tools and the mysterious note, then rushed to the local police station. The anxiety and curiosity in his heart raced.

Is this just a child's prank, or will they be able to help him? Despite not knowing, Joe was eager to find out if what he had found was of interest.

She Was Interested

As Joe described the bizarre discovery, Detective Megan Reynolds listened intently. The note caught her attention, and she furrowed her brows in fascination. She pondered, "This may lead to something important."

Joe's heart began to pound. The note was not something he expected to be important. On a hunch, he went out. Things began to change dramatically now.

It Begins

The Detective Reynolds team, with Joe's permission, inspected every inch of Joe's house. The note mentioned a tree and swing, and they were drawn to them. The mystery only grew deeper after a thorough search did not yield any immediate clues.

Joe wasn't aware of any houses in his neighborhood with swings in their backyards. Suddenly, he remembered something.

The Swing

Only a few years ago, a neighbor a few doors down had a swing in their backyard. He remembered this because his own daughter, Kayleigh, went over there to play on the swing.

But the neighbor had long since removed the swing from the backyard because another kid in the neighborhood had gotten injured falling from the swing.

A Link?

Joe didn’t know if there was a link between the house that had the swing or if he was clutching at straws. But he thought it was a good idea to alert the detective nonetheless.

He knew that any kind of information was crucial in trying to crack a case. He wanted to help wherever he could. Joe was about to find just how crucial his information was.


Detective Reynolds, determined to unravel the mystery, decided to visit the neighbor who had once owned the swing. She knocked on their door and explained the situation.

The elderly couple who lived there seemed puzzled by the note but couldn't provide any concrete information. They told her that they had removed the swing years ago after the accident, and they had no idea who "JS" might be.

A Curious Connection

As Detective Reynolds left the neighbor's house, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was a connection between the note and the swing. She returned to Joe's house and asked him more about his daughter, Kayleigh, and her visits to the neighbor's swing.

Joe recounted how Kayleigh had been friends with the neighbor's grandchildren and frequently played on the swing. Megan thought there might be a connection between the swing incident and the note. She decided to dig deeper into the past.

Thrust In The Middle

The mystery was deepening, and Joe was thrust into the middle of it. All he wanted to do was find out about the note, but he had bitten off more than he could chew.

But he couldn’t deny that he wanted to get to the bottom of the mystery. He had sleepless nights just wondering what he had stumbled upon.

Cold Cases

The detective worked tirelessly to figure out what the note meant and who exactly JS was. She scoured through forgotten cold cases of missing persons, but the list was endless.

It would take her forever to go through everything, and that was even if she had help from colleagues. But then she received an unexpected call.

The Call

“Hello, is this Detective Reynolds?” But before Detective Reynolds could say anything, the person on the other end of the line continued to speak.

“Detective, I think I have some information about the case you are currently working on. The note that was found. I think I know who wrote it and what it means.”

A Breakthrough?

Detective Reynolds couldn't believe her luck. The call was a potential breakthrough in the baffling case that had consumed her thoughts day and night. She quickly arranged to meet the caller, a retired schoolteacher named Martha Simmons.

Martha explained that years ago, she had taught at the local elementary school, and one of her students had been a young boy named Jason Sanders, whose initials were JS. 

Haunted Her

She remembered him vividly because he had always been a quiet, introspective child with an affinity for drawing beautiful sceneries in his notebook.

Martha went on to reveal that Jason had disappeared without a trace one summer, and his disappearance had remained an unsolved mystery. It haunted her for years, and she wished she knew what had happened to the boy.


Jason's family had moved away in search of closure, leaving the neighborhood in a state of confusion and sadness. Martha's revelation sent shivers down Detective Reynolds' spine as she realized that they might finally be getting closer to the truth.

Could the note that Joe found be linked to Jason, and could they possibly do something to find him?

Connecting the Dots

Detective Reynolds knew she had to connect the dots between Jason Sanders and the note with the initials JS. There was a tangled web of events, and she was determined to unravel it.

She delved deeper into Jason's past, talking to his former classmates, teachers, and neighbors. She discovered that Jason had been fascinated with secret codes and had often mentioned a "house with a tree and swing" during his cryptic conversations.

Searching for the House

With a clearer picture emerging, Detective Reynolds and her team set out to locate the house with the tree and swing that Jason had referred to. They combed through old property records and neighborhood archives, trying to identify any potential matches.

After days of tireless searching, they finally stumbled upon an address that seemed to fit the description. It was an abandoned house at the edge of the neighborhood, hidden behind overgrown bushes and tall grass.

A Haunting Discovery

Detective Reynolds cautiously entered the abandoned house with her flashlight in hand. The air inside was stale, and dust-covered furniture hinted at a time when the place had been alive with activity. She followed the creaking sound of a swinging door, which led her to the backyard.

There, under the shade of a massive tree, stood an old swing, weathered and worn with time. It was the swing that had been mentioned in the note. As she examined it further, she noticed something etched into the tree's bark— JS.

The Truth Unveiled

With trembling hands, Detective Reynolds realized that they were standing in the very place where Jason might have been. The pieces of the puzzle were falling into place, and she couldn't ignore the chilling possibility that Jason had been trying to communicate with someone before his disappearance.

As the detective continued her investigation, she discovered more of Jason's notes and drawings in a old diary they found. 

A Final Clue

Among the notes, Detective Reynolds found a final clue that sent shivers down her spine. It was a message from Jason to whoever found his secret hideaway, urging them to "dig deeper" and find the truth. It was as if he knew that one day, someone would come looking for answers.

The detective couldn't rest until she solved the mystery of Jason's disappearance. Was Jason here somewhere waiting to be found?

A Breakthrough in the Making?

As the community rallied behind the investigation, Detective Reynolds felt a renewed sense of purpose. She was determined to bring closure to Jason's family and unveil the truth behind his disappearance. 

The mysterious note that Joe had found had opened a Pandora's box of secrets, and the journey to uncover the past had only just begun. They located Jason’s family in the hopes that they would be interested in the investigation. Then, they stumbled upon a hidden dungeon.

The Hidden Dungeon

While searching the abandoned house's basement for any clues related to Jason's disappearance, Detective Reynolds and her team stumbled upon a hidden dungeon. It was a chilling discovery, and the air grew heavy with anticipation as they cautiously descended the stairs.

Inside, they found a series of old, dusty journals that appeared to belong to Jason. The journals contained drawings and entries detailing his experiences during the time he had spent in this dark, hidden place. It was a disturbing account of a lonely existence filled with fear and uncertainty.

A Shocking Revelation

As they ventured deeper into the dungeon, they found a small, makeshift bed and a pile of tattered notebooks. Detective Reynolds flipped through the notebooks and realized they were filled with Jason's writings. They were his diary, chronicling his life in captivity.

It became clear that Jason had been held captive in this underground prison for years, and he had used his drawings and writings as a way to cope with his unimaginable ordeal. The notes he had left behind were his desperate cries for help.

A Miraculous Rescue

The discovery sent shockwaves through the community, and the authorities worked tirelessly to secure the underground dungeon and gather evidence. But the most miraculous moment came when they found a hidden passage that led to a locked room.

Inside that room, they found Jason Sanders, now a young man, malnourished and terrified but alive. It was a moment of overwhelming emotion as they rescued him from the depths of the underground nightmare.

Reunion and Closure

Jason was reunited with his family, who had never given up hope of finding him. Tears of joy and relief flowed freely as they embraced their long-lost son and brother.

Detective Reynolds had not only unraveled the mystery of the note but had also brought closure to a cold case that had haunted the community for years.