Ex-Trump Lawyer: Jack Smith Will Win On His Supreme Court Play

Donald Trump knows that the Supreme Court has a majority of Conservative justices. He placed three of them there himself. And Trump is likely hoping that the court with rescue him from the severe federal charges he is facing. 

Jack Smith, who is overseeing the federal case against the former President, knew this. So he asked the court to decide on the legitimacy of Trump's immunity claims. CNN invited Jim Schultz on to discuss the case on Monday. Schultz had served as an associate White House counsel to Trump's lawyer Don McGahn. 

Schultz said of Smith's ploy, "So Jack Smith has a winner on this one, right? I do not believe that the Supreme Court — it is now, the Supreme Court rejected the idea of expediting this — but it still goes to the D.C. Circuit Court, and it’s common knowledge in the legal community, D.C. Circuit Court is kind of the warm-up act for the Supreme Court."

The lawyer continued:

"A lot of Supreme Court justices have come from the D.C. Circuit and this this this is the right tribunal to be hearing it. And I think in this instance, the D.C. Circuit Court is going to act swiftly, and I think they’re going to knock down this immunity claim, you know, very swiftly."