Donald Trump Jr. Pushing Conspiracies Following Shooting

Donald Trump Jr. attacked the FBI on Monday, writing that the organization can't be trusted to investigate the attempted shooting of his father this weekend. 

For decades, the Federal Bureau of Investigation was seen as a Conservative-leaning organization. Once Donald Trump took office, though, he constantly ranted against the FBI trying to stop any investigations into himself and his actions. 

The FBI will be tasked with investigating the assassination attempt and how it occurred, but thanks to rampant conspiracy theorizing, many Conservatives won't trust this kind of probe. 

Lance Gooden, a Republican Congressman from Texas, took to Twitter, writing, "My constituents are deeply concerned with the FBI conducting the sole investigation into the attempted assassination of President Trump. They don't have faith in the current FBI leadership to get to the truth given how they have targeted President Trump with political witch hunt after witch hunt at the behest of Joe Biden."

See the tweets here 

Donald Trump Jr. was quick to seize on Gooden's message, further attempting to undermine one of the United States' most important organizations. The former President's son wrote, "Given how biased & weaponized the FBI has become in their action’s over the past decade. I think this committee would be critical in making sure that Americans have some actual faith in the results of this much needed investigation."