Donald Trump Commemorates Rosh Hashanah by Attacking Liberal Jews

This weekend marked Rosh Hashana, the Jewish celebration of the new year. Donald Trump chose to mark the occasion by making it about himself.

The 45th President has long talked about the large volume of business deals he has made with people of the Jewish faith. His son-in-law Jared Kushner is Jewish and his daughter Ivanka converted to the religion upon marriage. For these reasons, despite his policies, Trump has determined that he deserves the Jewish vote. It hasn't turned out that way. 

Exit polling shows that during the 2020 election, more than 75% of Jews cast their vote for Joe Biden. Trump was only able to garner 21%. Trump has regularly castigated Jewish voters for their lack of support, regularly claiming that they owe him their vote because of his policies on Israel. 

And over the holiday, the 45th President wrote on Truth Social, "Just a quick reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy America & Israel because you believed false narratives! Let’s hope you learned from your mistake & make better choices moving forward! Happy New Year!"

Just like any other politician, Trump has to earn the vote of his constituents. He has never really understood that fact. Jewish people have traditionally supported Democratic candidates because of their positions on issues. While some Jews lean more Conservative, Trump has done very little to earn the support of those more on the left.