Donald Trump Calls For NBC to Fire Chuck Todd

Over the last few days, many of MSNBC's hosts have criticized the parent company NBC's hiring of Ronna McDaniel. The network apparently listened to their complaints and announced on Tuesday that McDaniel would be let go. 

Chuck Todd was one of many hosts who spoke out against the hiring but was also one of the most ferocious. Donald Trump doesn't really seem to feel bad about firing McDaniel, whom he worked closely with for years, but he also used the incident to attack MSNBC and Todd. 

Trump posted overnight on his Truth Social page, "What boss or executive would allow a man or woman, in this case Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd, who was fired for dismal performance coupled with horrendous television ratings, to publicly SCOLD them as to their weakness & stupidity in hiring Ronna McDaniel."

The message continued, "What boss or executive would allow a man or woman, in this case Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd, who was fired for dismal performance coupled with horrendous television ratings, to publicly SCOLD them as to their weakness & stupidity in hiring Ronna McDaniel."

Trump closed his missive:

"The sick degenerates over at MSDNC are really running NBC, and there seems nothing Chairman Brian Roberts can do about it. Watching Chuck Todd, of all people, viciously giving Roberts a piece of his small mind, and then berating him for hiring Ronna without his, or the other lunatics, approval, was just a step too far. Brian’s great father would have fired Chuck Todd, and all the rest of these losers, on the spot. Perhaps Brian still will."