Dem Rep. McGovern: Republicans Called a Fake Emergency Meeting Because Trump is Losing

Jim McGovern called the Republican party out from the House floor on Tuesday, accusing them of calling an emergency meeting because they were upset that Donald Trump had lost momentum. 

The GOP-led House has done many ridiculous things over the last year and today was no exception as they called a meeting to discuss Kamala Harris. According to the Republicans, she has done a bad job at the border where crossings have plunged over the last year.  

Jim McGovern, a Democratic Rep. from Massachusetts, has had about enough from the House Republicans. And on Tuesday, he tore into them for what he equated to a temper tantrum over Donald Trump's political fortunes. 

The Democrat said from the floor, "This is an emergency meeting not to fix the border but to bash Kamala Harris. The emergency is Trump is losing and they’re in a panic. Maybe they should call on him to step aside considering how rambling, unfocused, and boring he has become. He’s the oldest nominee in history."

McGovern wasn't done, though. He also wanted to make sure that people knew about the role Harris plays at the border. by asking a guest, " She was never appointed as border czar. She was never called that. Where is that coming from? Is it made up? Why is it in the resolution? Show me where President Biden said that."

After the guest was unable to provide any factual information, McGovern continued, "The reason you don’t have the information is because he didn’t."

You can watch the moment here