[COMMENTARY/WATCH] Trump Struggles to Defend "Historically Unpopular" JD Vance

Donald Trump's vetting process for eyeliner enthusiast and couch aficionado JD "Hillbilly Effigy" Vance seems to have involved a large donation from tech billionaire/Bond villain wannabe Peter Thiel.

Thiel single-handedly financed Vance's Senate run in 2022, which apparently was all Grifty McGrifterson needed to hear. before bringing Vance on board the Trumptanic to be his running mate. 

As a result, Vance is the most unpopular Vice Presidential candidate ever, polling so terribly he's the first one in history to have a negative score--which got even more negative within a week.

Unearthed footage of J DIVANce railing against "childless cat ladies" is just one embarrassment for the flailing Trump campaign, which finds itself badly trailing the Kamala Harris campaign in fundraising and enthusiasm. Vance also believes people without children shouldn't have as much voting power as people who do.

Trump, who just gave the worst interview of his career and then went straight to another unhinged rally, is trying as hard as he can to spin the lack of enthusiasm for both himself and Vance, but he failed at that just like he fails at not talking about Hannibal Lecter.

Asked about Vance at the NABJ, Trump gave one of his usual non-answer answers. “I’m just speaking for myself. And I think I’m speaking for him, too,” Trump said. “My interpretation is he’s strongly family-oriented. But that doesn’t mean that if you don’t have a family, there’s something wrong with that.”

But it just gets worse for both Trump and Vance as neither of them can stop saying and doing dumb things. 

This isn't going to help their case any, either.

Trump has plenty of his own issues to deal with--all of them connected to his criminality. Vance is just creepy, weird, and fully unlikeable.