[COMMENTARY/WATCH] Republicans Attempt to Frame Female Secret Service Agent For Trump Rally Shooting

There's nothing Republican men hate more than the truth.

Except women. Oh man, do they hate women.

They hate women so much, they're doing all they can to control our bodies, our livelihoods, and our immediate future. 

They hate women so much, they'll go to any lengths to blame women for their failures.

And now they're trying to blame a woman for *checks notes* a young white male Republican shooting at Donald Trump at his rally in Pennsylvania on July 13th.

Speaker Jesus Freak Mike Johnson is leading the witch hunt against Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle with a Congressional hearing scheduled for Monday.

Trump's son Eric McGaryBuseyFace Trump also attacked Cheatle, whining that he had been "calling for beefed-up security" throughout the campaign.

Flapping Gums Trump directly blamed the Biden administration and Cheatle on Sunday, claiming there had been "no accountability" for the agency's actions.

"She should be out of a job," he told Fox News.

This is just like when his dad kept talking about rigged elections in case he lost. The failed false flag thing is backfiring on all of them. Retroactively claiming you asked for more security after that fact seems sus, as the kids say.

MiKKKe Johnson was given another free platform to lie on CNN on Sunday morning and told World's Worst Debate Moderator (Male Version) Jake Tapper that the hearing would make for "must-see TV" for "Americans concerned about security lapses" at the Pennsylvania rally.

That's not what we're "concerned" about, MiKKKey.

We're "concerned" about you turning America into Project2025 where we'll have zero rights.

The faux-sassination seems like a major contrivance to win sympathy for the most unsympathetic person ever. 

I genuinely want to know what it's worth to Mike "Keep Me Honest About My Porn Addiction" Johnson to ignore Trump's felonious rapey history. 

Hopefully, House Democrats will be holding hearings of their own once we regain our majority in November. Mike Johnson squirming under oath would be just the beginning of the glorious finding out.

In the meantime, we're stuck with watching MiKKKey go after a woman when *checks notes again* it was a young white male with the GOP's favorite weapon of mass deathstruction.

Feel free to watch Speaker Jesus Freak lie to CNN's Jake Tapper for ten whole minutes, because CNN is still fine with giving MAGA cultists all the time they want to lie about Donald Trump and Joe Biden.