[COMMENTARY/WATCH] Pete Buttigieg Slams Vance, MTG in New Interview

He's just so, so good at this.

Secretary of Transportation and potential 2028 Vice Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, fresh off a stellar appearance owning Bill Maher on Real Time, roasted Republicans in a new chat with MSNBC contributor Brian Tyler Cohen.

Secretary Pete followed up on his spot-on assessment of Ohio Senator JD "Hillbilly Effigy" Vance that he first dropped on Maher, then went on to accurately scorch Trump's favorite junkyard dog, Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Buttigieg deftly explained what he can and can't speak about--campaign stuff is off-limits thanks to the Hatch Act, something Kellyanne Conway really should've been prosecuted for violating--but what he did say should carry just as much weight.

"What I can talk about is what a good man, and what a good boss Joe Biden is," he told Cohen.

They spoke about the Biden administration's accomplishments, then went on to talk about the shooting at Trump's rally on July 13th and the violent rhetoric coming from prominent MAGA Republicans like Greene.

"You can't be against political violence selectively," Secretary Pete, comparing the incident to the kidnapping and murder plot against Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and the hammer attack on Paul Pelosi. 

Cohen pointed out the violence imagery pushed by Trump's MAGA cult and used that to pivot to Project2025 and asked Buttigieg why so many Republicans are trying to distance themselves from their own agenda.

"I can't think of anything less partisan than not wanting to get people killed," Buttigieg said.

"The Heritage Foundation sponsored the RNC," Cohen reminded the Transportation Secretary, who nodded in agreement.

Watch their great conversation, below, and keep the phrase "Harris/Buttigieg 2028" in the back of your mind.