[COMMENTARY] Trump Tees Up More Humiliation For Himself With E Jean Carroll Appeal

Donald Trump just can't accept any loss, not even after he's repeatedly lost in court.

His refusal to publicly admit he lost the 2020 election is just the most glaring example, but he also can't accept his staggeringly expensive and embarrassing loss to writer E. Jean Carroll. 

Trump has essentially Streisand Effect-ed himself by not letting this particular loss go at a time when his campaign is struggling. 

Carroll had already been awarded a $5m judgment by a New York jury, which then was increased to a whopping $83m when Trump wouldn't stop defaming her after he was found liable of defamation and sexual assault, which took place in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in the late 90s. 

In legal terms, this makes the Republican nominee for president an adjudicated rapist as well as a convicted felon. Nice going, GOP!

Anyway, Trump still wants to appeal the verdict, and has been granted a September 6th court date where all of the same facts most likely won't change anything, except maybe more zeros added to the amount Trump will have to pay E. Jean.

It's empowering when you have the truth and an excellent legal team on your side. E. Jean tweeted that she was ready for another round, and the response indicates that she's got plenty of support.

Only three months ago, Trump's efforts for a new trial were denied. 

E. Jean's lawyer, Robbie Kaplan--no relation to trial Judge Lewis Kaplan--had filed a motion to a federal appeals court in May this year to expedite Trump’s appeal. Kaplan argued that Trump would use his campaign as an excuse not to sit in court. You think?

Trump's got a busy court calendar in September. Aside from this new rematch with E. Jean on the 6th, he's set to be sentenced in Manhattan by Judge Juan Merchan on the 18th. 

He's also supposed to debate Vice President Kamala Harris in Atlanta on September 10th, but we all know he's not going to show.