[COMMENTARY] Trump Supporters Are Mad About Democrats Calling Them "Weird"

Vice President Kamala Harris has pegged both Donald Trump and his historically unpopular running mate, JD "Hillbilly Effigy" Vance as "weird" because their actions, as well as those of their dwindling base, just don't align with what Americans see as "normal."

And the Trumpocrites are absolutely triggered by it.

At her first fundraiser since becoming the Democrats’presumptive nominee, VP Harris called out some of Trump’s “wild lies about my record and some of what he and his running mate are saying, it is just plain weird.

“I mean that’s the box you put that in, right?” she added.

It's weird how the "F--k Your Feelings" MAGA crowd is so easily triggered when Democrats use any adjectives to describe them in response to their weird behavior.

Especially since they're all online bullies who've taken their rage out into the real world by doxxing and harassing anyone who might speak truths they've learned to ignore. The language they use on Twitter alone isn't just weird, it's dangerous. There's a whole lot of unchecked racism and antisemitism all over social media right now thanks to the normalization of Donald Trump by the media, which is weird in and of itself. 

It's a personal joy for me to see them so upset by the word "weird" when I've been harassed by MAGA on the daily since 2015. I'm a single mom of Jewish heritage with cats who lives in Portland. I'm a walking MAGA Bingo Card, so to watch them cry over a word that isn't even a swear is hilarious to me when I can't share any of their tweets in a public space such as this. 

The Vice President's surrogates are also running with "weird" to simply shine a light on how abnormal the GOP's ticket truly is. 

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) called Trump and Vance “just weird” last week in an MSNBC interview, which was then amplified on Twitter by the Democratic Governors Association. Walz then used it again on Sunday on CNN, referencing Trump’s repeated mentions of the fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter from the film “Silence of the Lambs” in stump speeches.


They walked around the RNC with MAGA Maxi Pads on their heads. 

But this isn't the first time in MAGA's brief history when a word made them big mad. 

Remember when Hillary Clinton called them "deplorables" back in 2016? They decided to embrace the moniker rather than rise above it, which was weird at the time.

Instead of being embarrassed by Donald Trump's four separate arrests last year, they embraced his mugshot and wore it on shirts without realizing they were being grifted yet again. Weird!

Yes, the same people who bought the autographed Bible. Weird, I know!

They reacted similarly when stories began to circulate about Donald Trump having a foul odor surrounding him thanks to perhaps carrying a load that isn't metaphoric, shall we say. When "#DiaperDon" trended on Twitter, MAGA responded in a weird way. 

So it's just weird to see them getting this upset by the word weird. But weirdos are gonna weird, weirdly.