[COMMENTARY] The Democrats Are Not Responsible For Trump Rally Shooter

Saturday was a rough day for America, because not only did we witness an attempt on the life of a presidential candidate, we saw the reaction from his base.

MAGA immediately jumped to blame liberals from the moment the strange incident in Butler, Pennsylvania ended. The conspiracies they've already cycled through would make anyone dizzy, because they had to blame Democrats for our "violent rhetoric" and other confessions disguised as accusations.

Even after the shooter was identified as a registered Republican, MAGA was still twisting themselves into conspiracy pretzels to avoid that truth. Because one of their own shot at Dear Leader with their favorite shooty weapon, the AR-15, and now they're even more afraid the libruls are coming to take them away.

And, no.

We just don't want you shooting other people with your dumb false sense of security, Itchy Triggered Fingers. 

I don't think that's too much to ask, considering their precious Bible book of myths tells them not to kill each other. And then proceeds to tell stories about how people killed and raped each other. Seems like a weird book to base your whole life on, but I digress.

My point here is that a Democrat didn't try to take Trump out of the race. Maybe there are those who wish he was no longer alive, but I'm not one of them, despite the fact that the thin-skinned orange coward would be delighted if he was in a position to silence me even more than he already has.

I'm delighted Trump is still alive and well enough to be sentenced in September. I'm relieved that the adults I voted for are currently in charge, because based on the histrionic reaction from the "F*ck Your Feelings" cult, the alternative would be full-on Civil War.

Elected Democrats will continue to take the high road on this one while the MAGAts (literally) gunning to be Trump's VP will keep elbowing each other out of the way despite the fact that he's still an adjudicated rapist convicted felon & frequent flyer on the Epstein Express.

Saturday was a rough day for America, which is why we need to stay focused on the facts. And the facts seem to be that MAGA wants a Civil War to prevent a second Biden-Harris term. 

Let's make sure they never get what they want.