[COMMENTARY] Donations to Biden Flood In During Trump's Unhinged RNC Speech

While Donald Trump was melting down on the RNC stage Thursday night in Milwaukee, Joe Biden was raking in donations from all over the country.

Trump, still sporting that stupid and fully unnecessary MAGA Maxi Pad attached to the side of his sweaty molting orange head, rambled nonsensically through his weakest hits.

Anyone expecting a "new tone" from him must not have been alive during the two previous elections, or even yesterday, because Trump is Trump is Trump and he never changes. 

If he'd only stuck to the speech written for him by a roomful of Outbreak Monkeys typing for years, instead of going off script like he always does, he would've just been doing what I call his "regular" lying. Instead, he had to embellish everything with his special brand of Trump BS.

Thankfully, his appearance was enough to scare enough people back into the reality of what having him anywhere near the White House would do to this country, and the donations started rolling in for Joe and Kamala well before Melania ducked his gross puckered orange mouth during her surprise appearance at the end of his speech.

Yes, even he was surprised to see Melania was there because everyone knows how much she hates him.

But ANYWAY, what matters here is that Joe Biden is benefitting from the bloviating blunders from that big babyman.

An email from The Democrats started hitting inboxes before the end of the broadcast to boast about the Blue Boost for Biden.

Look at entirely flippable Florida, would you? Seems like there's one Florida Man who's not welcome in the Sunshine State, so hopefully two months from now he'll be getting some new digs. 

The kind with a cell door.

The narrative is going to be swinging back towards Joe Biden now, mark my words.