Bumbling James Comer: No One Has Come Forward to Blow the Whistle on Biden's Health [VIDEO]

James Comer, who chairs the powerful House Oversight Committee, admitted to Fox News on Thursday that he hasn't heard from any whistle-blowers regarding Joe Biden's health. 

Following Joe Biden's poor debate performance two weeks ago, Republicans have attempted to push the narrative that there has been some kind of coverup of the President's mental acuity. Attempting to seize on this narrative, Comer subpoenaed three members of Biden's staff hoping to grill them about Biden's health. 

Like in most of his endeavors, Comer has been unsuccessful. He tried to spin his efforts on Fox News on Thursday telling Martha MacCallum, "We believe this has been going on for a long time. We want to know what these three specific staffers knew, and we want to know who, in fact, has been pulling the strings behind the curtain."

The host responded, "Do you have whistleblowers who have come forward?"

"We've heard of specific staffers who have reached out to different Democrats who have leaked it out to various sources," Comer said, "so these people are people of interest to us, but they haven't come forward to us yet. I think if Joe Biden doesn't make a decision soon, I would expect to see whistleblowers coming forward"