Lauren Boebert has taken criticism over the past week for her terrible behavior in a Denver theater. Her ex-husband Jayson took the blame for her actions saying it is mostly his fault.
The Colorado congresswoman constantly blames Liberals for grooming children. But she was caught on video both vaping in front of a pregnant woman and fondling her date. Boebert recently announced that she and Jayson Boebert, who she married as a teenager, were going through a divorce.
Jayson Boebert took to Facebook to defend his ex-wife. He wrote, "I take full responsibility for my actions, and I deeply regret the choices I made that led to the breakdown of our marriage. I was unfaithful to Lauren in so many ways. I should have always brought my best just as she did. My actions were selfish and thoughtless, and I failed to consider the consequences they would ultimately have on the person I hold dearest in my heart."
The congresswoman's ex-husband also directed a message towards his wife:
"If you are reading this, please know that I am dedicated to doing everything in my power to rebuild the trust that has been shattered. I stand behind you. You are the hardest working person I know, selfless and overflowing with love. I hate the attacks that are coming your way. In part, this is my fault and you don’t deserve this."