During an episode of his No Spin Zone news program, Bill O'Reilly needs to get back to being his regular charming self.
It has been almost a month since Kamala Harris took over the Democratic nomination, and Donald Trump and the GOP have been on their heels the whole time. At the same time, Trump's approval ratings have remained steady, while Harris's are rapidly rising.
Former Fox News pundit O'Reilly decided to give Trump some advice as to how he could get back on the right track. According to the Conservative host, Trump should turn on the charm.
He argued, "The way to attack the anti-Trump thing is to inject some charm into your campaign, which the former president has not done. Right after he was shot and in the first 20 minutes of the Republican Convention speech, he did, but then it vanished."
O'Reilly continued, "I’ve been with Trump enough over the 32 year period of our friendship or acquaintanceship, however you want to define it, the guy’s funny, the guy can be very charming, he knows how to do that."
The pundit closed his comments:
It’s not like Jimmy Carter where Jimmy Carter was all front, big smile and all that, but boy he was not comfortable with people. Trump can walk into a room — I’ve seen him do it a hundred times. He’s got to take a little bit of that and use it on the campaign trail."