Biden White House Attacks Trump Over 'Slurred' NRA Speech

Conservatives got a boost this week when a biased special counsel released by Robert Hur painted Joe Biden as a man with a poor memory. Right-wing media seized on the story, forgetting that their top candidate, Donald Trump, has been making gaffe-filled speeches for months. 

Trump was at it again last night, speaking at a National Rifle Association event on Friday night. The former President bragged about his inaction on gun control during his four years in office. And the Biden White House decided to go on the offensive. 

TJ Ducklo, a Biden spokesperson, said of the speech, "Every single time Donald Trump opens his mouth, he's confused, deranged, lying or worse. Tonight he lied more than two dozen times, slurred his words, confused basic facts and placated the gun lobby weeks after telling parents to 'get over it' after their kids were gunned down at school."

The spokesman also noted that Trump bragged, "During my four years nothing happened. And there was great pressure on me having to do with guns. We did nothing. We didn’t yield."

Ducklo then noted, "But you won't hear about any of it if you watch cable news, read this weekend's papers, or watch the Sunday shows."