Baby Gets Scratches on Her Face, a Figure Appears on the Baby Monitor


Good parents would always want to protect their children from harm. They would do anything for them. They would want to keep them away from everything that could possibly hurt them. And this was the case for Heather and Josh.

They just wanted to protect their little girl from trouble so why did this have to happen to their family?  Their daughter woke up from a nap one day with scratches all over her face and no one knew how it got there until they installed a baby monitor.  

Little Lilly

Heather Brough and Josh Higgins were blessed to have their little Lilly. Lilly was a cheerful little girl. But one day, someone tried to harm little Lilly. Her parents were deeply worried because the baby had looked fine when she went to sleep. 

The House

They were living in a guest house that is located in Highland Township. This house was owned by Josh’s mother, Kris, who lived in the main house. Kris bought the houses 14 years before the incident. And since she wanted to be near her family, she decided to have her son and his family live in the guest house instead of somewhere far. She never knew that terrible things would happen years later.

Ordinary Day

Lilly was just 15 months old and her parents did not suspect that anything bad or strange would happen. It was a regular Saturday. Her parents woke up a little later than usual to get enough rest as they were both working. Then they got their groceries and had lunch outside. They even stayed for a while in the park to show little Lilly around. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. 

Lilly’s Face

Then the family got back home and placed the baby in her cot to rest for a while. They had had a long day and she clearly needed the rest. Heather went to check in on the baby hours later and noticed scratches on Lilly’s face. They were not just ordinary scratches. They were deep, purple, and angry scratches. Little Lilly woke up from her nap when her mother noticed the scratches and let out a small scream of horror. 


Lilly was crying through the pain. As a mother, Heather felt Lilly’s pain. She wanted to take away what her child was feeling. If only she could be the one hurting instead of her child. She hated seeing her child with a small scratch, so how much more these deep purple ones on her face. She called for her husband to ask him if he had noticed anything.

Worry and Fear

Heather was worried for Lilly. She feared for her daughter. She knew that there are a lot of dangers out there in the world so how could she protect this little one from the things that could hurt her? But then she remembered something weird.


With this thought, Heather brought Lilly to her mother-in-law’s house and showed her the marks on her daughter’s face. Kris was also clueless about the marks and how Lilly got them. The two thought that Lilly scratched herself with her hands so they put her hands up to her face. However, upon checking, the scratches did not match up. So what happened here?

What’s Next?

With this new revelation, Heather and Josh did not know what to do. They thought of ways to find out what truly happened to their daughter. As they came up empty, they decided to ask friends and family for solutions. They needed to act fast to prevent this from happening again. 

Asking for Help

Since the couple did not know what to do about their situation, they shared their story with people that they trust. Heather had lunch with her friends and she told them about the situation. They were shocked but also concerned about Heather’s situation at home. When she asked them for help, one of her friends had a suggestion.


Heather’s friend suggested that they install a baby monitor in Lilly’s room. This way, they could monitor what happens to her even though they are not in the same room as she is. This way, if something happens, they could simply replay the video footage and they will immediately know. Heather saw this as great advice so she immediately bought a baby monitor and installed it in Lilly’s room.


The family waited. They had the baby monitor installed in Lilly’s room so they were a little relieved. Nonetheless, they still could not help but worry. There were waiting for something to happen but at the same time, they wished that nothing bad would happen anymore. 


One day, while Heather was cooking dinner and her husband was still at work, she heard little Lilly cry. She dropped everything and ran to where the baby was. To her terror, she once again saw a new set of scratches on her daughter’s face. She immediately took Lilly to her mother-in-law.


They were all scared due to what happened. They did not feel safe in the house anymore. Heather and her husband, together with their baby, decided to stay in her mother-in-law’s house for the night. But still, they needed to know what was happening. That’s when they remembered something.

Baby Monitor

They remembered that they installed a baby monitor. Thus, they decided to check the footage recorded in it that day. Since no one could tell for sure what really happened, perhaps the baby monitor could. It would show footage of the occurrences during the time Lilly was taking her nap. The already stressed parents were terrified about what footage would reveal but they knew they had to uncover the truth.


They were both anxious as they checked the baby monitor. The scratches suddenly appearing on Lilly’s face while she slept was strange enough, what if the footage showed them something even stranger? So many things ran through their heads. They also thought of what they would do when they found the mysterious person that kept putting marks on their sweet child. The anger from feeling violated spurred them to continue.

The Footage

When they checked the footage, it was described by Josh as something that was so chilling. He remembered having a chill down his spine. He couldn’t believe what he had just seen. He reached for his wife in terror as they hugged each other. Tears were already running down Heather’s eyes.


What they saw in the footage was not something that you would just see everyday. It was scary and definitely something unexpected. Instead of getting an answer, they had more questions in their heads. They feared more for their little family, especially for their young daughter.


In the footage of the baby monitor, they saw a figure come close to the little girl’s crib. Lilly stood up and looked at the ceiling as if trying to find a presence that she could not see. Upon seeing this, Heather immediately stopped watching and grabbed Lilly from the crib. 


Seeing this made Heather recall something that she experienced one time. She did not think much of it then because there was no way to confirm what she had seen that time. But seeing the footage made her connect the dots. She revealed that one time, upon waking up in the morning, she felt hands wrap around her neck trying to choke her. She deemed it as an unknown entity as she never saw anyone.

Angry Man

The couple also revealed that they had experienced some strange occurrences in the house before what happened to Lilly. Heather even said that she heard a man who sounded angry scream and laugh in the house. But that was not all.


She even recalled that one time, while she was showering, she heard someone. It was the sound of footsteps that seemed to be climbing up or coming down the stairs. She swore that she knew the sound of her husband’s footsteps and that the steps she heard were not his. However, the current mystery the couple had was uncovering who this figure was what it wanted with their family.

What Was It?

Everyone they showed the footage to thought that it was a ghost, a poltergeist perhaps, that was trying to hurt the family. Perhaps it was trying to scare them away so that they would leave the house. The couple was already terrified enough, as it was, imagining it was a human in their house. Now they had to consider the possibility that their house was haunted.


Jim, Josh’s father, had a theory on the things that were happening. He knew that there was a man who lived in the house before who had an unfortunate death. He believed that the figure in the video clip was the spirit of the previous owner. But that’s not the end of the scary ordeal.


Kris also had her fair share of stories. She believed that it was not just the guest house that was being haunted. She said that she also experienced some paranormal activity in the main house. This scared everyone. But what can they do about it?

More Discoveries

Kris had hired a paranormal investigator before. Then she discovered that the woman who previously owned the house fell down the stairs and died. She and her husband believed that the woman was haunting the main house while her brother was the one haunting the guest house. The couple stared at their parents openmouthed. What kind of dark history did their home have?


Since the family had a lot of questions in their minds, they decided to hire a paranormal investigator once more. They truly believed that there was a lot of paranormal activity in the homes and wanted to do something about it. They needed answers. They wanted to understand what was going on.

The Visit

The paranormal investigator, Mike Priest, who was hired by the family visited the house to finally obtain answers to what was really happening in the two houses. He previously visited the house when the couple complained about noises. He set up equipment in the house and found something.

What He Found Out

He and his team heard someone say “Oh here we go. Oh yeah”. And it was so clear. It wasn’t something that you could not understand at first and will only catch on upon inspection of a video footage or something. It was very clear. Mike Priest deemed that there was really something going on in the house. Upon inspecting the video, he said that the figure looked like a reflection. The couple had heard enough. It was now time to act.

New Beginning

With the freaky incidents, the family decided to leave the property. It was better to be safe than sorry. It was not just some apparition at this point or voices, but ghosts seemed to be attempting to harm them physically. It was not something they could simply ignore. Thus, they decided to move and put the haunted house on the market.