B.B. King Feeling Better After Cancelled Shows

After recently falling ill and having to cancel his remaining tour dates, B.B. King has spoken out to his fans today. “I’m back at home now listening to music, watching movies and enjoying some down time.  I think I’m busier at home now than on the road talking to friends calling to check up on me. I do appreciate everyone’s calls and concern. I want to tell you, I’m doing alright.”

The 89-year-old Blues legend had eight shows ahead of him when he suddenly fell ill last week. King has suffered from Type II diabetes for two decades, which has resulted in stamina problems in the past. He was rushed to the doctor for evaluation on October 3rd, when he was unable to finish his performance at the House of Blues in Chicago. The musician was diagnosed with dehydration and exhaustion, and his remaining tour dates were cancelled the next day, including a show at his very own B.B. King Blues Club in New York.

Many are relieved to hear of his recovery in light of some recent struggles onstage. His St. Louis show back in April was apparently so shaky that his representatives chose to issue a statement the following day. “The combination of the rigors of the very long drive and high blood sugar due to his medication error resulted in a performance that did not match Mr. King’s usual standard of excellence,” they explained.

King also cancelled a show in November of 2013 in Oklahoma City. However, the concerns were unsafe road conditions near the venue rather than health issues. It is unclear whether and Rock & Roll Hall of Famer will be hitting the road again anytime soon, and his official website does not have any upcoming tour dates listed for 2014.

Many friends and fans have reached out via social media to express their support. Guitarist Hamish Anderson, who was opening for King throughout the tour, tweeted the following last week: “Very sad to hear the news of BB King’s sickness and subsequent cancellation of the tour. The band and I wish him a safe speedy recovery!”