Animal Rescuers Tried To Save These Two Lions From War Zones, Now They’re Roaming In The Wild For The First Time

These two lions were in the middle of a heated war zone for all of their lives. When animal rescuers finally stepped in, no one knew how the lions would hold up in the wild. Now they’re been released and no one expected the lions to react in the ways that they did.

20. Two Lions


Two lions found themselves in horrible conditions in the war zones of Iraq and Syria. Saeed and Simba were both living in horrible conditions and animal rescue workers knew that they had to step in and help in any way they could…

19. Terrible Conditions


Saeed, a two-year-old lion, was horribly malnourished and dehydrated when he was pulled away from the Magic World amusement park, close by to Aleppo. The lion was severely traumatized from his living conditions and animal rescuers were shocked at how they discovered him.

18. Four Paws


Animal rescue group Four Paws was behind the rescue mission that brought Saeed all the way to the Al-Ma’wa Animal Sanctuary in Jordan. The second lion, Simba, was rescued from a zoo in Mosul, Iraq and was in even worse shape than Saeed.

17. Simba’s Story


Simba was one of two animals that were discovered at the zoo in Mosul. The rest of the animals had died or starved to death due to the terrible circumstances. When Simba was discovered, rescuers immediately noted that he was in need of serious medical care or he wouldn’t make it…

16. Shipped Over


Both of the lions were shipped over to Africa, where they spent hours traveling on a truck in order to get to their final destination. The animal sanctuary that they arrived at let them in with open arms but it wasn’t an easy adjustment for either one of them.

15. Medical Care


The immediate response of the animal sanctuary was to get the two lions the medical attention that they so desperately needed. Simba especially was in need of serious medical care and it was imperative that they helped him as soon as possible.

14. Steady Diet


Once the lions had undergone their medical care which included a general check-up, vasectomies, and dental work, they were finally able to live their lives at a more normal pace. The sanctuary began to watch their diets so that both lions could put on necessary weight.

13. Let Out


Since both lions had lived in captivity their entire lives, the concept of roaming around freely was foreign to them. When the lions were finally released onto the enclosure, animal rescuers watched intently to see how they would respond.

12. Welcome


When Simba and Saeed stepped out, other lions on the other side of the fences quickly noticed them. All you could hear from miles away was the roars and growls of the nearby lions as they welcomed their new friends. The new lions were surprised by the interaction.

11. Hello


They are already saying, “Hello,” said Hildegard Pirker, head of the animal welfare department. “You’re in Africa, finally,” Pirker told the lions. As for the rest of the lions, they have interesting backgrounds as well.

10. Other Lions


The sanctuary has around 80 other lions that also dwell on the premises. The lions have been brought over from zoos and circuses from all around the world including Germany, France, and even Congo. However, some were from even worse conditions…

9. Captive Lions


Many of the lions that are now housed at the sanctuary were once a part of South African captive-bred lion operations. These lions often have deformities from inbreeding and many of them can never be released into the wild because of their health issues.

8. Educate

Image: Twitter

Some of the captive-bred residents have deformities from inbreeding and none can be released into the wild,” said Fiona Miles, director of Four Paws’ South Africa operation. The sanctuary hopes to educate people on the situation to better the lives of lions everywhere

7. Population Levels

Image: Twitter

Many may not be aware of the issue, but wild lion populations are beginning to decrease in size. The sanctuary hopes to alert people to this issue and to help decrease the rise of poaching. However, there are still many countries that continue to poach lions to this day.

6. Asian Countries

Image: Twitter

Lion bones are still utilized in a lot of traditional medicine in Asian Countries. South Africa still legally allows for lion bones to be shipped over to these countries. Many of these lions are found in captive-bred, a situation that has led to the decline in their population in the wild.

5. Poaching Threat

Image: TreeHugger

Despite the lions being able to roam about freely in the animal sanctuary there is still always a threat to their lives. Poaching is still a major issue, no matter what area the lions are in and it is a very serious issue that the sanctuary is still actively combating…

4. Security


Security at the lion sanctuary is very tight and they have gone above and beyond to make it difficult for poachers to get in. Still, there is always the worry that poachers could breech security and harm any one of the rescued lions.

3. Peaceful Lives


For now, the rescued lions are continuing to enjoy a more peaceful lifestyle than the ones they were previously living. The lions are able to roam around as they please and are fed to their hearts desire – something they weren’t receiving in their war-stricken countries.

2. Unfortunate News


While last year poachers were able to break in and kill two lions in the sanctuary, the organization has not let that deter their mission. With their security at optimal high and their purpose further engrained, they will continue with their mission to rescue the lions.

1. Amazing


It is amazing the way the animal rescue workers were able to help out these lions that found themselves in terrible situations. Be sure to share this inspiring and captivating story with all of your animal loving friends and family!