Alessia Cara: 15 Things You Didn’t Know (Part 2)

We already brought you part one of our list of 15 things you probably did not know about Alessia Cara, and now we’re back with part two! Check out eight more fascinating facts about the singer and musician that you definitely (probably) did not know below. You might be surprised by what you find out!

Number Eight: She Is Pretty Shy. Cara got her start on YouTube, where people can upload videos of themselves without performing in front of a live audience. Cara has said that she used YouTube to get feedback without having to deal with the nerves of people listening to her sing in front of her.

Number Seven: She Does Not Have any Connections. Most of Cara’s family was surprised to see her hit it big because she does not have a single family member in the industry. This goes against many up-and-coming stories of stars when they are young and have at least one relative who can introduce them to producers.

Number Six: She Sang With Taylor Swift. Cara performed with Swift in front of 55,000 people. She said that Swift was extremely nice to her, and she got a robe with “1989” emblazoned on it. She got the gig after contacting Swift directly.

Number Five: She Is Not Trying to Be Flashy. Cara has said that she is “not good at fashion,” so she is in no way trying to be the next Lady Gaga or Katy Perry. She likes being more low-key with what she does, and she would rather focus on her music than her clothing.

Number Four: She Can Do Really Good Impressions. Cara can mimic Lorde, Ariana Grande, and Iggy Azalea almost perfectly!

Number Three: She Has Only Been to One Concert. And it was a Justin Bieber concert, too! She says that the only reason she went is because her friend had an extra ticket.

Number Two: She Started Playing Music When She Was 10 Years Old. According to Cara, her parents gifted her a guitar when she was 10, and the rest is history. She started taking lessons, but eventually she just taught herself.

Number One: Her Goal is to Empower. Cara wants to communicate to young people with her music the message that it’s OK to be you. She has made a point of not making music that is overly dramatic or “convoluted.” You do you, Alessia!