Top 8 Disney Characters Who Remind Us of Childhood

By  Admin

Many people grew up with magic. I’m not referring to Harry Potter magic or magician’s magic, but instead the special, indescribable magic of Disney. If you grew up in the 90s, you probably had a favorite character, a favorite Disney princess, and a favorite Disney movie. Your bedspread, blankets, pillows, bedroom furniture, and clothes further solidified your love for all things Disney. Disney was a childhood lifestyle, and its characters were our spirit animals. Below are the eight Disney characters who bring us back – way back.

Number Eight: Snow White. Snow White was the first Disney Princess, and many still adore her today. Growing up, one couldn’t help but admire Snow White for her kind heart, soft voice, and love for everyone and everything. Snow White will take you back to a time in childhood where kindness was everywhere, and every little girl was “the fairest of them all.”

Number Seven: Princess Jasmine and Aladdin.  Before their time on Broadway, Princess Jasmine and Aladdin stole the hearts of many children (much like Aladdin steals loaves of bread), and millions of hearts are still being stolen today. Princess Jasmine and Aladdin will take you back to a childhood filled with magic carpet rides and the belief that anything is possible.

Number Six: Alice in Wonderland.  Alice in Wonderland was the little girl that everyone loved to love. Everyone still loves this bubbly, adventurous little girl. From the moment she fell down the rabbit hole, one was on an adventure with her. Alice brings you back to a childhood where you couldn’t “be late for a very important date,” and fun, mystery, and craziness awaited you just down the rabbit hole.

Number Five: Mary Poppins and Bert.  Oh, it’s definitely a jolly holiday with Mary Poppins and Bert. As a child, you probably wanted to have a nanny exactly like Mary Poppins. Not to mention the fact that Mary Poppins got us all to clean our rooms and take our medicine. Bert also inspired laughter with his silly musical contraption. Mary Poppins was the nanny with the magic touch, and she had love in her heart for millions of little boys and girls. Mary Poppins and Bert bring you back to a childhood of magic, laughter and dancing, learning life lessons, and spending time with family.

Number Four: Peter Pan and Wendy Darling.  It’s not uncommon to experience the urge to never grow up, and it probably happens to some of us quite often. Peter Pan and Wendy Darling know that feeling all to well. Watching Peter Pan as a child, you knew you were not alone. Being a child can be fun and amazing, and with Peter Pan and Wendy it’s always an adventure. They’re always teasing one another, playing around, having fun, laughing, and most importantly, flying. Peter Pan and Wendy can bring you back to a carefree, fun childhood where all you need is “faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie dust.”

Number Three: Cinderella.  Growing up with Cinderella in their lives, children learned a lesson: dreams really do come true. With Cinderella, children learned that happy endings are possible even if the future looks bleak. Today, many children look up to Cinderella, and she has, and always will be, a favorite of the Disney Princesses. Cinderella brings one back to a childhood of dreaming and hope.

Number Two: Ariel.  Ariel is Disney’s beloved mermaid. Children, especially little girls, wanted to live under the sea because of Ariel. Although Ariel wanted to experience life on land, Disney children wanted to experience life in the sea. Ariel satisfies children’s rampant imaginations, and as a child, you knew that, similar to Cinderella’s story, dreams can come true, you can find true happiness, and love conquers all. Ariel takes us back to a childhood of dreams, singing, happiness, talking sea creatures, and a life “under the sea.”

Number One: Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse.  Who doesn’t love Mickey and Minnie Mouse? Not only is Mickey the mascot for Disneyland and all things Disney, but Mickey is also the most lovable character on this planet. Nothing can go wrong in a child’s life if he has Mickey and Minnie by his side. Mickey and Minnie Mouse have been through it all. Childrens’ first day of school, doctors’ visits, dentists’ visits, family vacations – you name it. Through the good and the bad, Mickey and Minnie are there. They always have been, and they always will be. Mickey and Minnie Mouse were, and forever will be, icons representing the idea that everything is better with Disney.