12 Healthy Life Hacks for a New You (Part 2)

We already brought you part one of our list of the 12 best healthy life hacks to improve your well-being, and now we’re back with part two! Check out six more insanely easy, simple, and clever life hacks that will have you beating your New Year’s resolutions before you know it!

Number Six: Use an Onion to Clear That Stuffy Nose. If you have a stuffy nose that not even the hottest tea or OTC medication can cure, try sleeping close to a sliced onion. It might sound gross, but hey, so is a stuffy nose! You’ll be cleared up by morning.

Number Five: Smell an Orange to Cure the Blues. If you’re having a bad day, try peeling an orange and smelling it. Studies have shown that there are compounds in the smell of an orange that can physically reduce stress, make you feel happier, and even wake you up! No wonder orange juice is considered a great way to start the day.

Number Four: Try Taking a Cold Shower Every Once in Awhile. Though many people sing the praises of a hot shower for your health, in reality, cold showers are better for both your hair and your skin. And if you can’t handle a full-on cold shower, try turning the water to lukewarm for the last couple minutes or so.

Number Three: Put Deodorant on Before You Go to Sleep. Instead of applying your deodorant every morning, try putting it on at night! Not only will you sweat less while you sleep, but you’ll also sweat less the following day.

Number Two: Don’t Keep Too Many Friends. Studies have shown that people who try and keep as many friends as possible often suffer from excess stress and even depression. Instead, focus on keeping two friends very close to you, and you’ll be set for life! Or for the year, at least.

Number One: Use Mouthwash on Your Face. If you have a nasty pimple that you need to disappear quickly, try rubbing Listerine or another mouthwash with alcohol in it on the pimple. The alcohol in Listerine will both dry the pimple up and cause the resulting spot to fade.